Are You Ready for More Health and Happiness?
What are You Willing to Do to Find More Health and Happiness?
How would you like to find more of your happiness? I have found a lot and am finding more. How would you like to solve your problems? I have solved many and am still solving more. How would you like to discover your inner resources for building your dreams, teams, and relationships? I have discovered mine and am lett ing them grow. You could choose to hire me as your Coach to assist you.
How do you know you could work with me? Easy, call me or come to me for a free get acquainted meeting. Outcome research shows that deciding to come to a therapist or coach and actually doing it will start 40% of your recovery processes. The other 60% is also up to your decisions. I will assist you on learning how to find your Inner Coach so that your improving decisions lead to more recovery.
"How many coaches does it take to screw in a light bulb? One that has and a player that really wants to, in spite of the coach." Mike F
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Copyright (c) 1997, 8, 9 by
Michael Foster, M. A.