The Arrogant Kings
Once upon a time, there was a large rich kingdom, that gave some of its gold each year, for many years, to a small rich kingdom, far away. The arrogant kings all did so, through their ignorance, to support the continuing establishment, of their favored religion. Their anger made them arrogant, so they did not know what they were doing.
Next door, to the small rich kingdom, was a very poor kingdom, made up of those, that lost a war, with the small rich kingdom. The inhabitants, of the small poor kingdom, were very very angry. They were so angry, that they sometimes blew themselves up, to kill people, in the small rich kingdom. Their anger made them arrogant enough to kill them selves and others.
Others, that were also angry, about the gold and support only going to the small rich kingdom, instead of the both small kingdoms, blew themselves up, to kill people in the large rich kingdom. Their anger made them arrogant enough, to blame others, and not be wise enough, to send their own gold to help the small poor kingdom, become a small rich kingdom.
The arrogant king, of the large rich kingdom, said that the king of the small very poor kingdom, should stop his people, from blowing themselves up. Of course, the arrogant king, of the large rich kingdom, with all his power and riches, could not stop anyone from blowing themselves up in his kingdom. The arrogant king could not even stop a couple of his own arrogant snipers, in his own capital. How could the arrogant king, of the large rich kingdom, expect the king, of the very poor small kingdom, with little gold or power, to stop his very angry people, from blowing themselves up?
The arrogant king of the large rich kingdom attacked a nearby smaller kingdom, under false pretenses, to intimidate the whole region around the small kingdoms. The arrogant king did not know that you could not bully people into peace, into dropping their anger by creating more anger. The arrogant king did not know that fear only produces placating and intentions of getting even later. The arrogant king rapidly lost friends and supporters and gained placators and enemies.
The arrogant king, of the large rich kingdom, laid out a road map with a timetable, for the small kingdoms, to settle their anger, and become peaceful kingdoms. But, the arrogant king, of the large rich kingdom, had a foolish condition for the small very poor kingdom. The arrogant king, said that they would have to stop their very angry people, from blowing themselves up, even thought the arrogant king, of the large rich kingdom, could not stop his kingdom's internal violence. The arrogant king could not even stop his own internal violence.
If one definition of insanity, is doing the same thing, and expecting different results, is the arrogant king of the large rich kingdom insane?
Would the arrogant king, of the large rich kingdom, wake up from the spell, put on him by the Prince of War and Arrogant Self Righteousness?
Would the arrogant king, of the large rich kingdom, apologize for his kingdom's many years of telling the world, that they were even handed as they handed their gold to just one side?
When would the small rich kingdom think of helping the small poor kingdom with a large part of the gold from the large rich kingdom? When would the small rich kingdom really be ready for peace and generous enough to share their gold?
Would the arrogant king support both small kingdoms, to rebuild for peace, on their own timetables? Would the arrogant king be wise enough to lead a world movement to develop both kingdoms into a holy place of peace, for the entire world? Can you imagine, the flood of support, from the rest of his world, when there is some king of the large rich kingdom that is awake?
Ask the lord most high, of your inner kingdom, "How can I help awaken, the arrogant kings, and their supporters, from the spells put upon them, by the Prince of War and Arrogant Self Righteous?"
Ask the lord most high, of your inner kingdom, each day, "What can I do to help my inner Prince of Peace, today?"
Very Respectfully,
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Copyright (c) 2003 Revised 9/14/03 by
Michael Foster, M. A.