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Legal & Introduction Copy in PDF format

Anger is just energy, we generate, when there is a difference, between what we think we want, and what we think we have.  Anger comes in many names and forms like terror, fear, anxiety, bored. Lust, greed, pride…  They all have the same generic name below of “anger”.  

There are two types of anger, corrosive anger, and authentic anger. Corrosive anger is just energy to change what is, to something worse. Corrosive anger is just unhealthy energy and the ultimate source of our lack of health, abundance and joy. Authentic anger is just energy to change what is, to something better. Authentic anger is just healthy energy and can produce a Garden of Eden on our planet.

My publications and coaching, are concerned with helping to make you aware, of how you can choose to transform your corrosive energy, into your authentic healing energy. You can then choose to live a better life, on your journey, to the life of your dreams. Only hire me, when you are ready to find out how to transform your corrosive energy, into useful authentic healing energy, to do what you really want to do, at your highest levels. Only hire me, when you are ready to be grateful, and responsible, for your own past and present results.

One of the major premises, of my publications and coaching, is that we are totally responsible, for our own results, from our own decisions. We are the ones who decide, what to accept, reject or modify from others. We are the ones, who got ourselves to where we are, and have made countless previous decisions, including how to respond, to the decisions of others.

My responsibility, is to write and tell, what I know has worked for me, and some others, in my experiences, and what I believe so far. I only know what works best for me, and some others. You will need to determine what works best for you, since everyone is unique. It is up to you, to find your own inner and outer team resources, and your own choice, of your spiritual growth path.

When you need medical or other information, please go to the medical or other experts, of your choice. I am not here for direction.  I am just producing information, for your consideration and choice. My emphasis is on spiritual health, wealth, and happiness. What happens on the physical level, may be or may not be, as rapid as what happens, on the spiritual level.

I make no representations or warranties, as to the accuracy of any of my information, or fitness for any particular purpose, of my web pages, publications, and coaching. My information is presented under the protections, of the freedom of religion, the freedom of speech, and the freedom of the press clauses, in the Bill of Rights, of our Constitution.  It is the responsibility, of any user of my information, to decide what, in my publications and coaching, could work for them, and to check out what does work for them.

In no event, shall I have any liability, to any party for special, incidental, tort, or consequential damages, arising out of, or in connection with, any concept in my publications and coaching, even if I have been advised, of the possibility of such damages. By choosing to use my web pages, and publications, and coaching, you are accepting total responsibilities, for your own results, as I do for mine.

By signing below, I am agreeing with all of the above, and taking full responsibility, for what I decide, and the results I get, from what I decide,  I agree to work on forgiving, no matter what.



Phone Number: _______________________

Witness: ________________________________


Date: _________________________

When you are interested in coaching, make a copy, sign it and fill it out, and arrange to send it to me.  Keep a copy of your original, for your use, as we work together.

     When this is, what you are interested in, continue on throughout my web site: and or send comments and feedback, to the email address on the card below.

     When this is not what you are interested in, May That Which Is Most High, Bless You, and may you chose to continue on to your next Choices below:

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Copyright (c) 1997, 8, 9, 2000, 03, 04, 05, 06, 08, 11, 12 by Michael Foster, MA