RBD's Wholeness Consultant's Hints for Fellow Travelers on The Road to Recovery for 3 to 9 Aug 98.
Published Last Week. A daily hint published each day since June 1996. This is past my second year anniversary since starting this site. Page Down for the next days that are added a day at a time. I have moved to http://recoverybydiscovery.com and this daily page is now here at https://www.recoverybydiscovery.com/daily.htm . I would appreciate any feedback, questions and suggestions that you have.
What I am going through now is the DSM-III-R Desk Reference a "disorder" at a time and commenting on the spiritual and recovery aspects. The DSM is what the American Psychiatric Association uses to label symptoms to facilitate communication in their community. Unfortunately, the labeling from the DSM can shut down communication with those seeking temporary assistance and spread the stigmas of mental illness. The DSM can also bring some comfort by telling some that others have had the same experience. I am adding additional comfort by pointing to some ways to start getting out of the "disorders". I am not writing about cures. I am writing about how the cure process works over time. Instantaneous cures can be as traumatic as the original event that generated the disorder or illness.
3 Aug 98
"302.51 Vaginismus" is defined as involuntary spasm of the muscles at the entrance to the
vagina that prevents intimacy. We have all experienced involuntary spasms. We usually did
not know the source of the spasm. Yet in these cases, we can guess. We can see that part of
the person by definition does not want intimacy. One way we can know why that part is not
wanting intimacy is to become intimate with that part. One way to do that is to use a gestalt
process where that part gets to sit in another chair and speak and the conscious part gets to
sit in another chair and lovingly ask questions. After we find the good intention of that part
we can explore for a higher way or more important way to accomplish that good intention.
We can see how this part wants to cooperate with higher ways. We can explore for other
parts that are not in alignment and see what it would take to get them in alignment.
You may see that this kind of generic process could apply to other challenges including
those with other persons.
4 Aug 98
"302.70 Sexual Dysfunction Not Otherwise Specified" and "302.90 Sexual Disorder Not
Otherwise Specified" are the catch all ones. I wonder what they thought the difference was
between dysfunction and disorder. They had things like not having erotic feelings, female
premature ejaculation, masturbation pain, feelings of inadequacy from false expectations,
distress about addictions or orientation.
This is a good way to think about challenges with sexual orientations. When the person
is in distress about their own sexual orientation they are the one with the problem. In fact, the
one under distress is the one with the problem. When someone else is under distress about
the sexual orientation of another ,they are the one with the problem. They have a problem
because they have judgments against that sexual orientation. Like JC said, judge and you
are judged. All judgment, is self judgment, is what JC was saying. So when we have
judgments against a sexual orientation does that necessarily mean we have an unconscious
desire for the same sexual orientation? No, it could be an excess of the opposite. It could
be another form of that desire or fear. Like someone who hates homosexuals and they
unconsciously hate their fear of the opposite sex. Who knows, only through a loving
exploration of what is going on can anyone know. An with a loving exploration that is
by definition non judgmental, the orientation or fear or desire, may begin to change. Of
course these concepts apply to any other situation than sexual orientation.
Female premature ejaculation is just unconscious excitement. After enough excitement
it can become boring. With enough consciousness and awareness during the early
excitement the unconscious can be integrated. This also applies to any other unconscious
Masturbation pain is just feedback saying that you need to do less of that. Pleasure is
saying that you need to do more of that. Both pain and pleasure are leading you to what
you have already programmed. When they are leading you to what you do not want to
do any longer it is time to reprogram. This also applies to everything else. This can lead
to a discussion of fate, destiny, predestination.
Feelings of inadequacy from false expectation is one that is obviously applicable to
beyond sex. Many people feel inadequate from their false expectations. Sometimes
these false expectations are programmed for the good intention of doing better. Unfortunately
this usually results in failure which results in guilt which results in ever increasing failure. A way
out of this pattern is to do the opposite. That is to expect less with the intention of over time
to improve. Taking small steps works for many people. They get into a habit of success with
the small steps and then over time they just get better at what ever they are doing. The secret
is to learn patience. The BIG P.
5 Aug 98
Now upon completion of the sexual "disorders" we are back to the use of physical substances.
is marked by perception changes. "305.90 Inhalant Intoxication" is defined a having both some
difficult behavior like aggressive behavior and at least two of these: Dizziness, rapid side to
side eye movement, low muscle control, low speech control, unsteady walking, lethargy, slowed
reflexes, tremor, muscle weakness, blurred vision, stupor or coma, euphoria. The last symptom
is why they inhaled the substance in the first place. The other side effects were the prices that
they were willing to pay. We all have a deep desire to get to euphoria. We have various
levels of covering up that desire. The spiritual ways to euphoria are not as well known, that
is why I am teaching the better alternative here. Meditation is one of those alternatives. Like
in the Bible, "Be Still and Know That I Am God." Of course I added the capital letters for
emphasis. As I wrote before "It is better to experience perception shifts from meditation than
medication because then you are more able to integrate these experiences into you life. Then
you know that there is more to reality than just chemicals. Then you know intimately the
processes of life instead of only knowing that perceptions change. Then you have felt and
seen and sometimes heard the processes of spirit instead of the processes triggered by chemicals.
Then you know spirit did that instead of knowing the medication started that and not knowing where
the trigger left off.
The kind of trip one has also depends on who brought you to the dance. I would recommend
always invoking the Holy Spirit or what ever the equivalent is for you when ever you are on a
meditation trip. In fact, it would make good sense to do so for each night's trips." In fact, it
would make good sense to do so for each day's trip.
6 August 1998
"292.00 Nicotine Withdrawal" is defined as for of the following symptoms: craving, anger,
anxiety, poor concentration, restlessness, lower heart rate, increased appetite or weight gain. We
have an obvious mind body connection here. Basically the nicotine was suppressing some energy.
Smoking also interferes with the efficiency of the lungs and thereby reduces the amount of energy.
When the suppressions are removed, the energy shows up as anger. Anxiety is just low level anger.
Poor concentration comes from low level anger. Restlessness comes from anger. Lower heart
rate is interesting, since anger usually has a higher heart rate. This symptom may be in response to
the general increase in energy, with a need to slow something down. Increased appetite is from a
need for fuel, for the increased energy. Weight gain is just stored energy.
A friend of mine could not get off his cigarette habit, until he had learned enough spiritual
skills to transform enough of his anger into healing energy. Transforming anger to healing energy
can be done by Forgiving, Asserting something new, Doing something new. [FAD] This is a
FAD that any smoker could take up until they could drop their smoking.
7 August 1998
Another break from the "disorders" of the DSM. Today I am writing about the concepts
of grace and law. There is a full spectrum between grace and law. Law is the lowest level
and Grace is the highest level. Law is one thought system which I call the Blame Game. Grace
is a thought system that I call Living Loving. The Blame Game produces the negative things
we see in ourselves and others and the world. Living Loving produces a transformation of
the negative things we see in ourselves and others and the world into a positive system. What
I am fostering here is Living Loving, because that is the ways to heal the Blame Game. The
Road to Recovery is paved with Living Loving.
It would be wonderful when we could just take one step from the Blame Game to Living
Loving. And perhaps there are some of you reading this that will just "get it" and stay in Living
Loving from now on. Perhaps for most of us, we need skills to get to where we already are,
living in grace. Perhaps for most of us, we need skills to stay living in grace. Grace is a thought
system, so we need to learn how to think differently. So as we learn how to think differently we
experience the results of our thinking from the Land of Law to the Garden of Grace. That way
we experience the spectrum of the rainbow of experiences on the Road to Recovery from the
Land of Law to the Garden of Grace.
8 August 1998
"305.50 Opioid Intoxication" is defined as bad behavior like euphoria, followed by apathy,
anxiety, slowness, poor discernment, poor performance plus one of the following: drowsiness,
slurred speech, poor awareness or memory. Gee whiz, that looked like a mimic of manic depressive
by chemicals. The first thing that occurs is that it would be interesting to see if there are research
experiments to see what would happen with using mild opioid intoxication with real manic depressives
during their manic phase. Sort of like using Ritalin for ADD where Ritalin makes most people like
ADD's. It might be even more interesting to see what happens during the depression phase.
Even more interesting would be trials with homeopathic opium for manic depressives. The
depression phase is about suppression of symptoms and homeopathic opium is best for curing
insensitivity. Recovery in general is about recovering your senses, you feelings.
292.00 Opioid Withdrawal" is defined as at least three of the following symptoms after
withdrawal of the drug: craving for the drug, nausea, muscle aches, nose or eyes watering,
pupil dilation, hair on end, sweating, diarrhea, yawning, fever, insomnia. Interestingly in
small doses it can cure insomnia per Homoeopathic Drug Pictures by M.L. Tyler on page
615. Homeopathy has a collection of older wisdom that most doctors know nothing of. The
use of a minimum of drugs does not usually occur the them while the use of massive drugs
does. The miracle of homeopathy is that it is working at the essence level, the spiritual level.
Those doctors that have made themselves insensitive to the suffering of their customers may
indeed live longer by trying opium in homeopathic doses. Those doctors that are so sure that
the homeopathic doses can do nothing could find the courage of their convictions by
participating in a proving of cannabis indica [hashish]. Homeopathic doses are so diluted
that there may not be even a molecule of the original substance. That is why many medical
doctors are so sure that these doses can not produce any effect. If they were really that
sure, they would happily participate in their own provings. Provings are when healthy people
try the homeopathic dose and see what the symptoms are. It could be easily be done by
double blind experiments where the people giving the dose and the people receiving the
dose do not know who is getting the dose and who is getting the sugar pills. They both
would be getting sugar pills!
9 August 1998
The next "disorders" are from taking things like PCP's and Sedatives. The same
comments apply. Just more mind body indications. Taking in a harmful substance is
no wiser than taking in negative concepts and negative judgments. The next chapter
is about substance abuse and substance dependence. These are just levels of how
much we take in harmful substances. The same applies to thoughts and our other
senses like sight and hearing. Use of a substance or thoughts are a symptom. The
symptom is trying to cope with something. It may not be the wisest way to cope,
but it is a way to cope. Understanding this, we can go upscale on the wisdom
scale and find better ways to cope. First forgive, then assert, then act, then act
together. Then again, then again, and again and again ...
Next week, something more usually thought of as a mental illness, schizophrenia.
I Foster Living Loving,
Michael Foster, M. A.
"Learn HOW to recovery by discovering the blocks you need to remove and the actions you need to take and what you need to let go of as your blocks to your blessings."
From my book in process, The Spiritual Cookbook (Generic Recipes for a Better Life)
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I started my daily page, because it is useful for me to look for some recovery tip or secret each day for my spiritual growth. we and I only need one secret to work on and let it work on me each day. They are secrets because they are usually the opposite of what the majority of society teaches. They must be secret because they are not commonly used. A friend of mine once said "Common Sense is not much in Common.". Now that I have grandchildren I am also writing for them. I would have really liked for my grandparents to have passed on what they learned.
I am including Sunday as it is my formal day of learning the lord most high's secrets. If you would like ask questions, or contribute some of your wisdom, or want to make some comments or want to vote for which day to put on my tip of the month page or tell your success stories, click Michael Foster, M. A.
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