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We all have an Inner
Critic, and an Inner Comforter. Which one would you ask what to
do? Which one would you ask, what is going on? Which one
would you ask, what is my problem, their problem? The different
answers may be very different, or similar, or the same, but there will
be a difference in the altitude of the attitude! One answer will
have humor, energy and peace. The other answer will have sour
grapes and corrosive anger. You will know the difference.
You could forgive your Inner Critic, to discover your humor, energy and
peace, or not. �2012 Mike Foster See [life_lessons.html]
for what I can do together with You. If interested, read and sign
my Intro
& Legal Form.
What is our real problem?
What does that do to Us?
It makes Us Angry, Upset, Anxious,
Not at Peace.
Who has a solution?
Jesus = Gee-He's-Us.
What is His solution?
Join His 490 Club, and forgive
everything, 7 times 70 times = 490 times = Everything, Everyone.
Say: I am forgiving myself, for
miss judging myself, as one who ______________ .
Or: I am forgiving myself,
for miss judging myself, as a or an
Let Jesus' Spirit, fill in your
blanks, for You.
When ever you are upset and not at Peace.
Later, you will learn more.
Why find Peace? See: F.A.C.T.S. or choose STUCK
Want to spread this spiritual skill?
Right Click and Select "Print". Cut
out cards and give them away.
Contact by E-Mail: FACTS_CARD
Phone: Leave Message at: 1-
(USA) C1-Mikee
= 1- (872) 216-4533
Forgiving Example: Alzheimer's
Map of Anger vs. Spirit Levels for
Keeping It Simple Sunshine [KISS].
Detail Book Review of "Mere Christianity"
What IF we all called God's name "Good", with the extra O,
Would that not reduce the Bad concepts, of the Most High Good?
What IF the 10
Commandments were miss translated at a
lower level of spirit?