Steps On the Road to Recovery for 18 to 24 January 1999.
Published Last Week. A daily hint published each day since June 1996. This is past my second year anniversary since starting my web pages. Page Down for the next days that are added a day at a time. I have moved to and this daily page is now here at . I would appreciate any feedback, questions and suggestions that you have.
What I am mainly going through now is the DSM-III-R Desk Reference a "disorder" at a time and commenting on the spiritual and recovery aspects. The DSM is what the American Psychiatric Association uses to label symptoms to facilitate communication in their community. Unfortunately, the labeling from the DSM can shut down communication with those seeking temporary assistance and spread the stigmas of mental illness. The DSM can also bring some comfort by telling some that others have had the same experience. I am adding additional comfort by pointing to some ways to start getting out of the "disorders". I am not writing about cures. I am writing about how the cure process works over time. Instantaneous cures can be as traumatic as the original event that generated the disorder or illness. Instantaneous cures may not do us any good, when we get the same disorder back, since we have not changed the thought system that caused the disorder in the first place.
18 Jan 98
Today we are continuing our long description of a "301.83
Borderline Personality Disorder".. This is a scientific name
for what we normally call "frustrating people". We frustrate
ourselves because we want to help them recover, but can not
seem to help. We want to help because we all want a better
life for everyone. God wants to help because He want a better
life for everyone. The only things between our better life and
their better life is lack of enough forgiveness, acceptance with
gratitude, enough consciousness, and teamwork to make things
better. That is F = Forgiveness. A = Acceptance. C = Consciousness.
T = Teamwork. FACT. The key is forgiveness because that
leads to more acceptance, consciousness and teamworking.
Now back to the DSM with "301.83 Borderline Personality Disorder".
This is another mood disorder that they detect from relationships and self
image and the amount of the symptoms. To qualify you need to get going
by early adulthood and be consistent in different contexts. You also need
to get checked off for at least five of the following eight symptoms.
Our third chance out of eight is to be instable in our moods. We need
to shift from our normal mood to depression, irritablilty, anxiety for a
few hours to a few days. We may be coded bipolar if we do not meet
these specific criteria. All this means is that we have energy complexes
that come on us that we have not resolved by enough forgiveness yet. So,
we all need to learn the habit of forgiveness to clear as much as we can
while we are in our "normal" moods so that when we are upset by some
unconscious baggage we will continue to clear it with our forgiveness
I have never changed anyone. They all changed themselves, sometimes
from my hints. They always were the ones to decide to forgive and do
something different.
19 Jan 99
Our forth chance out of eight is to have intense anger. We need
to get into fights and frequently display our temper. Most of us do
a lower level form of this. Our fundamental challenge is to transform
our anger. "Borderlines" have a wonderful opportunity to to transform
their energy of anger into energy of healing for themselves and those
around them. In fact the more anger and rage, the more dramatic the
changes and what shows up. In fact when we are in intense rage and
have the habits of forgiveness down, spiritual experiences happen and
we have an opportunity to repent, to change our minds and have
confirmation that we have changed our minds.
few hours to a few days.
20 Jan 99
Our fifth chance out of eight is to consistently threaten suicide and
or mutilate ourselves. Just obvious anger towards ourselves. We all
have some degree of anger towards ourselves. Self forgiveness is
important again.
Our sixth chance out of eight is to consistently change our self concepts.
We need to be uncertain about at least two of the following: Self image,
sexual orientation, goals and career, values, friends. And some say we
can not really be unconscious and powerless. The fact is that all of us
are unconscious and powerless to some extent. The only difference is
the extent. The remedies are all the same.
Our seventh chance out of eight is to have chronic feelings of boredom
or emptiness. Some people do not like me telling them that they are
angry when they are bored. Are they not having a difference between
what they want and what they got? Sure. When we are empty do we not
want to feel fulfilled? Is not happiness starting with "happ" as in happen?
We really want to be living a good life filled with what we want to
happen. So, one way to help ourselves is to start to make what we really
want to happen. All of the other remedies are the same.
21 Jan 99
Our last chance our of eight to get the 301.83 code is to consistently
be concerned about abandonment. Of course that would come from
how empty we felt, the seventh symptom. How could these be separate
symptoms? What we are really concerned about is being separated from
God, abandoned by God. Being alone in the universe with no company to
be with us. Of course God is alone, as there is no other, other than us
Once upon a time there was a vacation for spirits planet, in a galaxy
far far away. There, on this vacation planet, every wish was fulfilled
by God. God never said no, just like when they were in spirit. The
difference was that it took longer on the planet. Since it took longer,
there was no instant feedback and many people got into a lot of trouble.
That was because God never said no. You know the saying, be careful
of what you wish for. You know the story of King Midas and the story
of the three wishes of Aladdin.
After a while everyone began to stack up so many wishes, that God
fell asleep in them, just waiting to fulfil old wishes. Some, who saw
how wrong things were going, decided to wake up God in them. Then
they could now become wiser spirits as God became their teacher. He
showed them how to say no and what to say yes to. They were never
alone again as things began to get better.
22 Jan 99
Now we can move on to the next coded "disorder" of the DSM,
"301.50 Histrionic Personality Disorder". To qualify we need
to consistently have excessive emotionality and attention seeking
starting in early adulthood and have four of the eight following
The first symptom of eight is to constantly seek or demand
reassurance, approval, or praise. Of course we all have some of
this need for praise to some degree. When we do not need or seek
praise any more we are self realized and God realized. So, there
is a spectrum from no need to great need for affirmation from others.
When we really know we have that affirmation from God, it
simply becomes less meaningful from others. Then they can either
praise us or judge us, but it is not meaningful. We have that kind of
affirmation from God, when we accept the atonement of JC and God.
The trick is really believing that we are atoned for. The trick is
experiencing this atonement, where we are also told that God is well
pleased with us, no matter what. Of course He is well pleased with
everyone else, because He knows we are doing the best we can with
the baggage we have been carrying. As we begin to know that we
are judged as innocent by God, our need for praise or even for negative
judgment or DSM codes begins to drop away.
23 Jan 99
Let's drop DSM codes today, and consider "shoulds". Any time I
say you "should" do something I say, I am trying to control you. I am
not saying to do anything, I write here. I am just imparting information
and hints. What you do and what you believe, is what you do and what
you believe.
How can "shoulds" be a control game? When I say someone should
do different ,or believe different, than they do, there is an implied threat.
That is because, when someone tells me that I "should" do ,or believe
other than I do, there is an implied threat. There is the implied "God'll
get you, they'll get you, and or I'll get you, if you don't." The only thing
that gets us, is our judgments. It is a judgment, anytime I have some
emotions about thinking ,that anyone "should" do, or think, different
than they are thinking. Judgments are insane in a way, because I have
no control of what anyone is thinking. They have control of what they
are thinking. What they do is based on what they think. Sanity, is letting
go and letting God.
What I can do, is influence others, to influence others. That is what I
do here and in my life. That is what you do, also.
24 Jan 99 Sunday
Now that we have considered one of the reasons that we all tend
to have histrionic symptoms to some degree, we can get back to the
301.50 code.
The second symptom of eight is to be "inappropriately sexually
seductive". Of course, we all have some of this symptom, to some
degree. Who is to decide what an inappropriate level is? Does
not sex have to do with a form of control? Or is sex used to
influence others? Or both? At what level does it change from
influence to control? Perhaps, it never gets to the control level,
since the other decides, when they want to be controlled, and when
not. Does it matter if the decision to be controlled is conscious or
There is a saying that all things are fair in love and war. In love,
what is an inappropriate level of sex to attract love? Does the
person being attracted have the choice to leave and go someplace
else? So, the inappropriate level might be when they go after them.
What if they wanted that? Then it would be when our NO is really
a NO. When is our yes a yes and our no a no? When our unconscious
and conscious minds are in agreement. How can we know that? Is
that when we know that we know and we are clear from emotions
and thoughts that do not agree?
What about violence? Some want that. All the way from acting
to real. All the way from viewing to participating. But, that is a
subject for another day.
Michael Foster, MA
Mental Health Coach
"Learn HOW to recovery by discovering the blocks you need to remove and the actions you need to take and what you need to let go of as your blocks to your blessings."
From my book in process, The Spiritual Cookbook (Generic Recipes for a Better Life)
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I started my daily page, because it is useful for me to look for some recovery tip or secret each day for my spiritual growth. we and I only need one secret to work on and let it work on me each day. They are secrets because they are usually the opposite of what the majority of society teaches. They must be secret because they are not commonly used. A friend of mine once said "Common Sense is not much in Common.". Now that I have grandchildren I am also writing for them. I would have really liked for my grandparents to have passed on what they learned.
I am including Sunday as it is my formal day of learning the lord most high's secrets. If you would like ask questions, or contribute some of your wisdom, or want to make some comments or want to vote for which day to put on my tip of the month page or tell your success stories, click Michael Foster, M. A.
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