RBD's Wellness Coach's Hints for Fellow Travelers on The Road to Recovery for 11 to 17 May 98.
Page Down for the next days that are added a day at a time.
I have moved to https://www.recoverybydiscovery.com.
This daily page is now here at https://www.recoverybydiscovery.com/daily.htm when you choose to bookmark.
I would appreciate any feedback, questions and suggestions that you have.
11 May 98
Well, I ran into difficulties and it would take too much space
to tell the story. The end result is that I formatted two drives.
The good news is that I learned that one of my hard drives is
faster, so I am now installing Windows on the fast drive. I also
discovered by starting over that the bus mastering driver that
came with the motherboard did not remark out the old CDROM
driver, but it did not need the driver and the driver may have
been causing some of my difficulties. Then in working with a
conflict in resources for my All In Wonder Video card I tried
the automatic setting and lost access to one of my hard drives.
I then tried something in the setup, auto detect for disks and
it had not worked before, but now it did and set the Large
Block Addressing mode. I do not know how a mistake got
something else to work, but it did. I do not know how my
mistakes in life have led to blessings, but I have seen it happen.
The point is that in keeping at something we learn more and get
better at that something. The other point is that there is something
vaster than me making my mistakes into blessings.
What do you want to be better at? What mistakes do you want
to let go of so that spirit can make them into blessings?
12 May 98
I am still going through learning how to get my computer fully
functional with my new motherboard. I am still challenged by
having everything not yet working. I get to be with any
frustrations I have and with the frustrations my wife has.
The issue is not whether I get frustrated or not or get
frustrated with my wife's frustration. The issue is how
am I with myself as I go through my process as my
computer goes through its process. The issue is how
supporting I can be with myself as I learn how to be
with myself. In the end, that is who we are with.
13 May 98
So, I have been writing about ordinary life and its challenges
for the last few days. The spiritual life is really about how we
live life more than what life we live. How we live that life is
in all the hints you might read here. Not that I live this life
perfectly because I have explained how perfectly imperfectly
I do that. That is part of the how, realizing that life is good
enough as life is. Our whole life is a prayer. What we are
doing is praying for more of what we have. So that is why
it is important to enjoy what we are praying for more of.
When we are not enjoying what we are doing it is time
to find what we would enjoy. How else can we show our
gratitude for this wonderful gift without enjoying it as much
as we can?
14 May 98
I am continuing to learn about the motherboard I am installing.
This whole process is a metaphor of life. A continuing learning
experience, as long as I am willing to learn. I am learning that
I only know part of what I need to know. I use the part I know
and that leads to knowing more to use. When I get frustrated
with the process the process does not go as well. When I clear
my frustrations with the formula on the forgiveness card below,
the process goes better. A natural incentive to keep doing the
forgiveness process.
The hardest part is the challenge that comes from others
upsetting themselves. There is nothing I can do to assist them
to find their peace other than to continue to find mine. That
usually upsets them more. Then they have an incentive to find
their own peace.
15 May 98
Someone asked if I was a therapist. I said: "I can't be a therapist,
since I am not pist. What does thera mean anyway? God? A pist
God? hmmmm" If I was pist about being called a poor therapist
I would have said "I forgive myself for judging myself as a poor
therapist." until I was unpist. I would have said "I forgive myself
for judging that person as an angry _____." until I was unpist.
That is why I call myself a coach. Someone who assists in
developing their innate skills. Those that are ready for a coach
get better, because they have decided to take responsibility
for themselves, instead of being fixed.
16 May 98
That way they fix themselves. Actually they learn how to let
the lord most high within themselves fix them. Fix is not an
accurate term since the lord most high within them is already
happy with them. Grow is a better term. Regrow is even a
better term. That is because we then get to grow up again,
this time with a totally understanding parent.
So, they get to learn how to grow up again with spirit as
their parent. That is what I coach others on how to do and
to not do what gets in the way of our growth.
17 May 98
I have a gift that I got from my mother before she left her body.
Actually, her gift was to show me my own gift. Agape love.
Unconditional love. How can you know you have a gift unless
someone else returns your gift. You can be giving a gift like
this and not know you have this gift since no one is showing you
what this gift looks like. My mother showed me my gift by
showing me agape love as we both knew we did not agree on
a lot of things. She did not agree with others in our family,
but the love I saw was more conditional. Of course their
love was more conditional. And of course so was part of
my love.
A gift from my father was similar. He taught me that I
could disagree with someone and still like them, in fact I
could enjoy the disagreement. No one needs to agree
with me for me to love them. I may look at things differently,
but I can learn from how anyone else looks at things.
Your Wellness Coach,
Michael Foster, M. A.
"Learn HOW to recovery by discovering the blocks you need to remove and the actions you need to take and what you need to let go of as your blocks to your blessings."
From my book in process, The Generic Spirituality Cookbook (Recipes for a Better Life)
If you would like a free monthly newsletter with coach's hints on a single subject, click RBD's Free Monthly Newsletter Registration Form.
I started my daily page, because it is useful for me to look for some recovery tip or secret each day for my spiritual growth. we and I only need one secret to work on and let it work on me each day. They are secrets because they are usually the opposite of what the majority of society teaches. They must be secret because they are not commonly used. A friend of mine once said "Common Sense is not much in Common.". Now that I have grandchildren I am also writing for them. I would have really liked for my grandparents to have passed on what they learned.
I am including Sunday as it is my formal day of learning the lord most high's secrets. If you would like ask questions, or contribute some of your wisdom, or want to make some comments or want to vote for which day to put on my tip of the month page or tell your success stories, click Michael Foster, M. A.
Copyright (c) 1997,8 by Michael Foster, M. A. at TOTAL-DC and http://pages.prodigy.com/mikemike
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