Note 1: There is a part of us that gets better faster when we contribute to those that contribute to better our lives. You can see if this works for you by making a small contribution and seeing how much it is multiplied in returned blessings.
Or, when you have recovered enough to be greatful enough to be generous you can make a contribution. You will have discovered your resources to inprove yourself and thereby the lives of those around you. I am a bottom line and big picture kind of person. If you are interested in the big picture and the core of the matter you can learn them from my information. You can find the basics to use the other things you have learned and will learn.
Note 2: Healing Hearts is available for downloading as by registering.
My sample teamworking spreadsheet on The Secrets of Leadership is available for downloading by registering.
The months of March, April and May 97 are available for downloading by registering.
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____ Healing Hearts, e-booklet. $1.95 donation [Note 1][Note 2] Click on Healing to go to table of contents.
____ The Secrets Steps to Recovery, e-booklet. $3.95. Click on Recovery to go to table of contents.
____ The Secrets of Leading for MS Works (c) format, leading.wks. $1.00 donation. [Note 1][Note 2]
____ The Secrets of Teamworking for MS Works (c) format, my-part.wks & my-part.wps. $3.00.
____ 80+ Tips on Recovery for Jun/July/Aug 1966 in htm format for reading in your browser. $1.00
____ 80+ Tips on Recovery for Sept/Oct/Nov 1996 in htm format for reading in your browser. $1.00
____ 80+ Tips on Recovery for Dec/Jan/Feb 1996/7 in htm format for reading in your browser. $1.00
____ 80+ Tips on Recovery for Mar/Apr/May 1997 in htm format for reading in your browser. $1.00
____ 80+ Tips on Recovery for Jun/Jul/Aug 1997 in htm format for reading in your browser. $1.00
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** Send half price for any copies you sell to friends & family! Keep half for yourself. Don't your want everyone you sell to be a greatful and generous friend?
I certainly want everyone to feel that way. Gratitude guaranteed in the long run or money back.
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Copyright (c) 1997,8 by Michael
Foster, M. A.