My Inspiration & Information Pages

"God said No"

"What If?"

A "Double Dose" from my friends.

"Total Quality Marriage" [TQM]

The Keepers of the Shoulds

Letter on Mental Health.

The Updated Lord's Prayer

In Spite of Them with Anyway by Anon

Success Stories

Mystical Experiences

Reality Therapy "The Secrets of Healing Hearts" [Resolving anger in relationships, driving, money, etc.]
My Path from Shyness to Boldness "How to Forgive Your Inner Demons and transform them into your friends."   
"The Secrets Steps to Recovery" How to transform your anger for your advancement and advantage to "Relate Without Anger".
An Enneagram Rating Scale
Your Input via e-mail. The Enneagram Types and Levels Matrix.

The 12 Steps to Insanity

"12 Steps to Meeting Your Higher Power"


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